Friday, July 5, 2013

Top 7 Reasons Women Fight With Their Husbands!

No! I do not claim to have decoded the mind of a woman. But as a veteran, I know a thing or two about fights!  And while it is fun to talk about it , it is more heartening to know how couples make up to each other after a fight! But that will be another topic for another day.

So, from deep recesses of my brain, I present you these words of worldly wisdom. Wives may tell me how right I am, but husbands, beware! Take a lesson from the below examples! Treat them orderrd as ranging from silly to serious.

7. The Food Fight

These fights usually occur when the lady is tired after a hard day's work but still manages to rustle up something for dinner. And instead of being grateful, the ignorant caveman complains that the food is not tasty! Welcome to the world of sleeping on the couch. Jokes apart, if we all appreciate the work of over wives, and realize that her life is none the easier, we will be grateful for all the pain she takes to manage the household. Yes, she is not doing you a favor by making lunch or dinner, but neither you are doing her a favor in any way. At least you didn't get hauled off to a restaurant!

6. The TV Fight

Another culprit, especially during football season. With husbands glued to the television set, a huge backlog of household chores pile up. To make matters worse, if a couple of buddies wind up at someone's house and spend the time howling their heart out like a wolf pack, it is enough to send the blood pressure of any wife soaring sky high! The poor husband can't expect anything less that an epic showdown after the friends silently sprint away when someone notices the lady of the house changing colors of her face from red to purple!

5. The Grudge Fight

This ,at best, can be describes as childish. Memories of a previous fight, where the might lady of the house had to keep her mouth shut because she was at the wrong end of an argument, lie dormant and at an opportune moment, surprise the husband by cornering and flooring him. All the while, the poor husband doesn't have a clue about what's going on as unlike women, we are blessed( or cursed?) by a selective memory.

4. The One-Upmanship Fight

This fight is inspired by overzealous relatives. In the quest to remain above all others, such characters do not spare anyone and try to inject this negative competitiveness into all the meet. Women are specially vulnerable as they can't tolerate such nonsense and due to a fault of his relative, a husband might find himself in the receiving end. Sometimes such fights turn bitter as they wife concentrates all her frustrations and fury at her spouse. Needless to say, men too fight with their wives for this very reason- an annoying relative who seems to take pleasure in every hurdle he places in front of a relationship.

3. The Pregnancy Fight

Not to be taken in the wrong sense, such fights are common during pregnancy as a woman undergoes a lot of physical , emotional and hormonal changes. Anybody carrying a heavy weight in the front with pain in the back will be irritated at the slightest provocation. Husbands , at this time, should treat their wives as a little child. They would then never feel offended by any tantrums or fights.

2. The Selfish Fight

Such fights occur when the woman is a selfish creature. Thinking only about her ego, her comfort and her security, such a woman leaves no stone upturned in her quest to gain maximum from a relationship. If the man is lucky enough, he escapes with a divorce. A few unlucky ones are doomed for life. There is no escape from such fights as anything that might seem like a change from the ordinary which might threaten her comfortable coccon goads such a woman to fight viciously with her husband.

1. The Mother-In Law Fight

If a woman feels too controlled by her mother in law, the effect might be on husbands. Frequent fights and mood swings characterize this type of fights. This can be the fault of the mom in law, or the woman who can't seem to things anything good about the mother of her husband.

Apart from the above, there is one more type of universal fight, which I call the "Incompatibility Fight". Nothing seems right and everything is a potential gunpowder keg in this fight.

While the above is not a comprehensive list, I actually attempted to show that fights between couples happen for reasons ranging from the silliest to the most grave.Also, the factor of outside influence cannot be ignored. Couples will fight. And they will make up( in most of the cases). But there are some fights which prove that the individual is inherently wrong, egoistic and evil. Trying to salvage a relationship with such a person is a waste of time and energy.

But then again, there are some fights which bring couples closer. Even though you fight, you want yourself to lose. Because you know that no matter what, you won't go to bed angry. And you know that you will wake up happy because both of you have put your fight behind and your life in the frontseat.

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